Healthy Happy Children through School Sport







The Playtime Coaches School Sports Package
consists of either two or four hours of timetabled professional sports lessons spread throughout the day. Our coach will then stay and deliver an after school club. The parents pay for this and all the money raised by the club discounts your total package price.

Boost your package with some tailored extras

We have a menu of additional extras that you can choose from when you create your bespoke school program with us.
Have a read through what they are, and we will help you fit these into your school’s schedule.

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

We provide small individualised sports classes for SEND children.

Our coaches can adapt our sports curriculum to best suit the individual needs of each group.

Our smaller group sizes allow our coaches to provide the individual attention these children require to make steady improvements.

Can take place during lesson time, lunchtime or before school.

Pupil Premium Grant

An aim of ours is to be as inclusive as possible and get as many children participating as we can.

For families that may struggle to afford enough sport and physical activity for their children, we offer specific support for children who receive Pupil Premium Grants.

Can take place during lesson time, lunchtime or before school.

Breakfast Club and/or Lunch Club

We provide breakfast clubs and lunch time clubs.

The breakfast clubs are 45 minutes of sporting provision finishing 15 minutes before the start of school with a maximum attendance of 12. 
Both of these clubs can be paid for by the school or by the parents. With the parent’s payments contributing to the cost of the package as well.

Active playgrounds

During lunch time our coach will set up sporting activities for anyone to take part in.

This allows meaningful participation for more children; improving motor skills, footwork, health and much more. It can also help with behaviour and concentration after lunch breaks.

This can include sessions that target groups of children that may not participate in enough school sport.

*Special Extra*

Our coaches offer their help in the production of the termly reports by providing a breakdown of the children’s sports development throughout
the term.

After school Clubs

We offer a multitude of different clubs for you to pick from, all of which will heavily discount the overall cost of your package. These clubs can be changed on a termly basis.

Teddy Tennis, Teddy Cricket and Teddy Football

All Teddy Sports clubs are centred around the Visual, Auditory and Kinaesthetic system of learning. We use pictures, music and teddy bear stories to help children better understand and learn these different sports.

Tribal Tennis

Tribal Tennis is an excellent company that we have partnered with since their creation. The club professionally delivers tennis sessions that have an additional focus on children’s learning skills.


Our top pick for Key Stage one and two children.

Playtime Clubs

Playtime Football, Playtime Athletics and Playtime Rugby are a great way for your school to offer a broader range of after school activities.

For all clubs we can manage the bookings, or we can work with the school’s existing booking system. Our goal is to make these clubs assimilate as smoothly into the school’s operation.

The package is flexible to ensure the timetable suits the specific needs of your school.

Get in touch

If you are interested in organising the Playtime Program at your school please get in touch –